Shankar 6 Cotton Bales | India Cotton Industries

Raw Cotton

Cotton fiber is classified in ways, by its length, micronaire, strength, and uniformity and Contaimination less and produced with minimum human intervention and use of tractors.

Cotton linter is useful in making various kinds of yarn.

Size: 230mm x 115mm x 75mm (LxWxH)

Product Specifications

Type Shankar-6
Length 28.50 to 29 MM
Strenght 29 to 30 GPT
Trash 3%
MIC 3.80 to 4.90 NCL
Moisture 9%
Type J-34
Length 27.50 to 28.50 MM
Strenght 28 to 29 GPT
MIC 4.20 to 4.90 NCL
Trash 4.00 to 4.50%
Moisture 9.00%
Type MCU-5
Length 30 to 31 MM
Strenght 30 to 31 GPT
MIC 3.80 to 4.90 NCL
Trash 3%
Moisture 9.00%
Type DCH 32
Length 32 to 34 MM
Strength 30 to 31 GPT
MIC 3.20 to 3.80 NCL
Trash 4%
Moisture 9.00%
Type V797
Length 21 to 22 MM
Strength 23 to 25 GPT
MIC 4.80 to 6.00 NCL
Trash 11 to 13%
Moisture 9.00%
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