Cotton Flat Strip | India Cotton Industries

Flat Strip

Cotton Flat strips is a by-product of yarn spinning industry the first carding machine, which is mostly used in open-end spinning for mixing with good quality cotton. Fiber has higher trash compared to comber noil. It is most used in OE Spinning for blending with good quality cotton.

Application :

  • Used in making cotton balls, Cotton Pads and Cotton buds
  • Used in 10’s to 20’s countsin Open end Mills
  • Used as Cotton Proxy

Product Specifications

Type Grade A
Length 23 mm to 24 mm
Trash Below 8% to 10%
Packing Bales [155 - 165 Kg]
Origin Gujarat, India
Material 100% Cotton
Packing Bales [155 - 165 Kg]
Type Grade B
Length 22 mm to 24 mm
Trash 12% to 15%
Packing Bales [155 - 165 Kg]
Origin Gujarat, India
Material 100% Cotton
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